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Conception to Postnatal  Therapies

Hygieia Complementary Therapies offers specially tailored therapies from a qualified Ante-Natal Teacher, Doula and Breastfeeding Peer Supporter who has qualified in extensive additional specialised training to provide a bespoke service to support women and their families on their journey to becoming a family. Whether it is keeping you before you conceive or in your postnatal period, there is a therapy to help nurture and support you.

Don't forget to check out the online resource platform for a range of workshops and programmes that offers advice and support from Conception to the Postnatal period onwards. 



Pregnancy Yoga


Berry and Wanda BirthMind Programmes

Laura developed the Berry and Wanda BirthMind Programme, which contains a range of Yoga and Meditation sessions online to support every stage of your parenting journey, along with Antenatal Workshops offering birth planning advice, aromatherapy workshops and more. 

Supporting Conception Therapies

Supporting Conception 1st Treatment:

A 2-hour appointment where we go through a consultation and then include a combined treatment of Reflexology, Moxibustion, Rebozo and Massage, all specifically tailored to support conception. You will also receive a guide to take home and advice to help you between appointments. 

Investment: £120


Supporting Conception Further Appointments:

Further appointments booked within one month of your initial and subsequent treatments are 90 minutes long and include a range of therapies to support conception. 

Investment: £80


Block Booking:

Twelve weekly sessions, including x1 first treatment and 11 further treatments booked at weekly intervals. Book your first session via the booking system under the block booking option. Laura will then be in touch to get the remaining dates booked in the diary. 

Investment: £920 (save £80)


Couples Block Booking: 

x12 Combined Treatments for the mom-to-be and x12 Reflexology/Moxibustion treatments for the dad-to-be, as fertility can affect either or both. Again book the 1st appointment via the Couples Bock Booking options, and then Laura will be in touch to book the remaining appointments.

Investment: £1,580 (save £140)


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Maternity Therapies

Pregnancy is a miracle, but it comes with many new changes, which can lead to many pregnancy-related ailments. Whether you struggle with a range of conditions or need some time for self-care, committing to receive some therapies during pregnancy can help support you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, preparing the body for labour and delivery.  


Prenatal Massage:

Suitable in some circumstances from the 1st trimester (contact me before booking if you would like treatments within your first trimester); however, normally booked from the 2nd trimester up to week 42. A pregnancy massage can help to keep your aches and pains under control, help with sleep, support your changing body and more. It is a lovely way to connect and understand your body whilst being specifically adapted to be safe for you and your little one. During the consultation, we can decide what areas you want to include in the massage and any specific focus areas. I use a memory foam cushion system to help you melt into the couch whilst in a comfortable side-lying position.    


30mins £40

45mins £50

60mins £60



Prenatal Reflexology:

Reflexology can be enjoyed throughout pregnancy and help to rebalance your systems, including the musculoskeletal, digestive systems, hormonal systems and more. Many people find it deeply relaxing. Prenatal reflexology is normally carried out on the feet; however, I can provide hand, auricular or facial reflexology if preferred. The treatment will be adapted to avoid labour-triggering points and focus on the common areas where women need more relief during pregnancy.


30mins £40

45mins £50

60mins £60 




Reiki channels universal energy to help rebalance your own energy systems, and ReikiMama is an adapted form of Reiki to support both mom-to-be and their little one. Reiki can also be programmed to help support you when you go into labour. 

Investment: £50 (45min treatment) 



Baby Move Therapy:

Have you reached the 34-week+ mark, and your little one hasn't yet positioned themselves in preparation for labour? Maybe they are breech or back-to-back, and you are concerned about what that may mean for your labour and delivery. The Baby Move Therapy is a combined treatment that includes techniques from Moxibustion (Traditional Chinese Technique), Rebozo (Traditional Mexican Techniques) and Reflexology to encourage little ones into the optimal foetal position. The therapy includes hints and tips on continual homecare. However, please be prepared to come in for further appointments up to a couple of times a week until your little one does turn. 


Initial Treatment: £120 (Up to 2-hour appointment)

Subsequent Treatments: £60 (approx.1-hour treatment)



Online Doula Services

Pregnancy can be a confusing time and there is so much emphasis on getting ready for the baby that it the importance of birth preparation can sometimes be over looked or put on the back burner. 

There is an overwhelming amount information out there which can make knowing what's bet for you difficult and sometimes the advice that we get from professionals may not sit right for you and you could benefit from the advice for an informed and qualified Birth-worker who can help you discuss your options in more depth and act as an advocate when communicating those decisions. 


Birth is a special time and your experience can have such an impact on the first few days, weeks, months and even years into parenthood that it is something that deserves to ensure that you have support, security and contentment now matter what direction your birth takes places. 


Having the support of a Doula pre and/or post partum can help you feel empowered, informed and heard during this life change and help with any healing that may need to take place. 


A Doula cannot provide or replace professionals medicals or carry out any medical procedures but what I can offer is research backed advice, help writing flexible birth plans and helping you and your birth partners be more prepared for the experience. Teach you tools and techniques that you can take into the birth with you and help you navigate your options and point you towards further resources from reliable places.


My advice comes from a place of non-bias, I am not held to any blanket hospital policies and I am NOT there to tell you how best to birth your baby, just to inform, support, going over fact-based pros and cons and help you and your birth partner/s mentally, emotionally and physically prepare for birth no matter what that ends up looking like.




Initial Consultation

2 hours touching base online meeting to discuss your pregnancy, birth thoughts, concerns and needs and to make a plan. This will be a mixture of a discovery session with also some practical advice. I would recommend booking at least the initial consultation and also 1 other appointment to get the most out the Doula service. You can book this appointment at any stage of pregnancy but I recommend not leaving your initial consultation any later than 35 weeks gestation if you can help it for birth support. 


Investment: £120



Subsequent Appointments

You can book as many of these session as you feel that you need and it is something that we can discuss and decide as you go further down your journey so you don't need to feel obligated to book a set amount upfront. These sessions can help provide ongoing support and advice, we can cover topics that are more specific to you and your journey such as advice on VBACS, birthing options, various birth prep, specific advice on factors that affect your birthing choices, preparing your birthing partner, prepping birthing/hospital bags, aromatherapy for pregnancy and birth and more.


Investment: £80 for a 90min appointment


You will also have access to and receive resources in addition to the appointments based on your individual needs and where beneficial. These appointments will be tailored for YOU and so a persons experience will vary from appointment to appointment, person to person


You are also welcome to have your birth partners be in attendance during some or all of your appointments.

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Supporting Labour and Delivery

Preparing for the birth of your little one, there can be a lot to think about. Committing to regular treatments closer to the EDD of your little one can help you form a positive mindset, help to reduce stress and tension and support the correct hormonal balance to encourage labour. 


Labour Calm:

From 38 weeks gestation, we can include labour, encouraging reflexology, acupressure points, massage, moxibustion and essential oils. These treatments can be carried out up to twice a week up to 42 weeks gestation if need be, and the specific breakdown of therapy to time ratio will be discussed during the consultation so we can focus on your individual priorities.

Investment: £60 



Baby Move Therapy:

Have you reached the 34-week+ mark, and your little one hasn't yet positioned themselves in preparation for labour? Maybe they are breech or back-to-back, and you are concerned about what that may be for your labour and delivery. The Baby Move Therapy is a combined treatment that includes techniques from Moxibustion (Traditional Chinese Therapy), Rebozo (Traditional Mexican techniques) and Reflexology to encourage little ones into the optimal foetal position. The therapy includes hints and tips on continuing homecare. However, please be prepared to come in for further appointments up to a couple of times a week until your little one does turn.


Initial Treatment: £120 (Up to a 2-hour appointment)

Subsequent Treatments: £60 (approx. 1-hour treatment) 




Reiki channels universal energy to help rebalance your own energy systems, and ReikiMama is an adapted form of Reiki to support both mom-to-be and their little one. Reiki can also be programmed to support you when you go into labour. 

Investment: £50 (45min treatment)








Postnatal Therapies

Becoming a new parent is a wonderful but often overwhelming time, and as a new mom, all of the physiological, mental and emotional changes can take their toll. To help you be the best you can be on your parenting journey, it is important to still look after your own well-being, even if it is the last thing on your mind. By nurturing yourself, you are allowing yourself time to heal and adjust. Continuing with your therapy care can also help the body to readjust and help prevent common post-partum imbalances. Remember you are still important too, and sometimes having someone else care for you for a bit can be exactly what you need. You are welcome to bring your little ones with you if they are still non-mobile. Just let Laura know when you make your appointment. 

Postnatal treatments can be carried out from 6 weeks postpartum or earlier with consent from G.P. 



Closing the Bones

 A postnatal therapy specifically designed to help new moms heal on a physiological, mental, emotional and spiritual level. This ancient practice has been around for thousands of years, originating in Mexico, with similar rituals being practised around the globe. This therapy has been adapted to ensure maximum relaxation and rebalancing, including gentle abdominal massage to support the uterus, ligaments, tendons and muscles, rebozo sifting and nurturing binding, and a traditional ayurvedic Indian head massage and meditation.

Investment: £80 (approx. 90mins treatment)



Postnatal Massage

A gentle massage that is tailored to support your body as it recovers from pregnancy and birth. 


30mins £40

45mins £50

60mins £60

90mins £80

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